Current location : 102, 1655-3 Kumagawa, Fussa-shi, Tokyo, 197-0003, Japan

Let us know if you would like to talk to us to the group prayer, and we can offer you a cup of coffee and get to know each other.

Contact Us

For any queries, please contact:

  • Elhadj Souleymane Diallo (French)

    Tel: 080 6734 7120

  • Elhadj Mohammed Kamel Ninche (English)

    Tel: 070 3107 7032

  • Maher Khalid (Japanese and Urdu)

    Tel: 080 3554 8393

  • Balde Boubacar Siddighi (French)

    Tel: 080 7205 6568

  • Ibrahim Watara (English)

    Tel: 090 1651 1239

  • Abdul Salaam (English)

    Tel: 090 9147 1552

  • Ibrahim Bah (Japanese)

    Tel: 090 9807 9596